Power4Vets Success Stories
The mission of the Power4Vets™ program is to help veterans start new careers in the power and energy industry. To date, through the Power4Vets program, we have been able to help 400+ veterans advance their careers:
- 400+ veterans placed or employed
- 150+ veterans have become NERC Certified in System Operations
Of these 400+ success stories, below are just a few of samples which highlight how the Power4Vets program has helped veterans pursue their career goals.
“The bottom line is this: IncSys was absolutely instrumental for me to both pass the NERC exam, and to network and find my current career with DESC. Walking in to this profession with NERC certification already in hand made the jump to a career in the bulk power industry just that much easier. Even though the Power4Vets program definitely requires dedication and discipline, in the end the whole process made my transition from the military to the civilian world just that much easier. While a career in the bulk power industry does require some personal sacrifice over and above other career fields, the satisfaction of knowing that you are on the front lines of protecting our power system and ensuring the reliable delivery of electricity to customers throughout your system is something few other professions can provide. I strongly encourage those who are getting ready to transition to civilian life, or those who have already transitioned, and who are looking for a career that can provide similar camaraderie and dedication to mission that the military provides to seriously consider this career field, and the Power4Vets program.”
– Joseph Schultz – (U.S. Army)
The IncSys Power4Vets program was a critical element in my successful transition into the competitive job market upon my retirement from the military. The training materials prepared me for first time success with the NERC RC certification exam. Mr. Miranda’s mentorship provided me with the tools necessary to find gainful employment in this challenging field.
– Keith Sise – (U.S. Navy)
I’ve decided to pursue a career in the electrical sector because electricity is an essential item in our lives. Although I didn’t have any experience, education, or connections in electricity, I still passed the NERC RC exam because of my determination, persistence, as well as mentors that I’ve met through Power4Vets and Reddit r/Grid Ops page. One important tip is that understanding the concepts are more important than pure memorization, because you need to know how to apply electrical principles and NERC standards during normal and abnormal conditions. Robin Podmore and David Wilke provided me with additional study materials and Zoom meetings a few weeks prior to my NERC RC examination. Finally, I like to thank David Miranda for preparing me for interviews with major electrical companies in TX, such as ONCOR, CPS Energy, NRG and ERCOT!
Without the Power4Vets program my new career in the utility industry as a System Operator would not have been possible! Thank you Power4Vets!
– Jimmy Kim – (U.S. Army)
The Training and material provided to me from the IncSys team were top of the line and absolutely imper
ative in being able to certify as a Reliability Operator with NERC. After I completed the coursework, Robin Podmore and David Wilke were pivotal in providing crucial and personalized study assistance and exam preparation. Lastly, I cannot express how grateful I am to David Miranda for walking side by side with me during the whole process in order to ensure I was able to acquire the job that I wanted in a new career that I am passionate about.
– Christopher VanIwarden – (U.S. Navy)
read more on the Christopher VanIwarden Story.
If there is a better NERC training program out there, I haven’t heard of it! From the start David
reached out to me, he made sure I had everything I needed to be successful. He and his team made sure to give me all the resources to make me a fully competent operator even sacrificing his own time off time and answering late calls and texts.
The program itself was very easy to follow and informative with great information on the civilian power industry. From the simulator to the study tools and personal one on one insight with actual Electrical Engineer Dr. Podmore.
I feel like I couldn’t have chosen a better path for my transition from the military. After getting my NERC Certification, David went into overdrive getting my resume ready and making connections in the industry to land me a very rewarding job. I’m so thankful for him and his team for all they did to make my transition from the Navy to becoming a NERC Certified Operator. FIVE STARS ACROSS THE BOARD.
– Danny Wilson – (U.S. Navy)
I am extremely thankful for the Power4Vets program! I started the program before the 2020 pandemic, but I was separating the Navy during a stressful and historical time in October 2020. The Power4Vets program was able to relieve some of the stress by helping me succeed in obtaining a new career as a Power System Operator.
The Power4Vets simulations, book studying, test, NERC certification course and online classroom environment were all essential to passing the NERC certification test on the first try. I came into this field with minimal knowledge on how the electrical grid works, but their learning modules did a great job teaching me everything I needed to know.
After completing the learning modules, I was enrolled into the NERC certification course where I was able to take what I learned and start studying for the exam. While studying, David Miranda checks up on you to see if you need anymore help and ensures you will pass the exam on the first try. I passed my first try, and now it was time to find a job!
Thankfully, David Miranda helps guide you with their job search service. He provides help with how to search for jobs and apply. He is very knowledgeable and has a lot of contacts in the business. Then, he coaches you on interview techniques once you are scheduled for an interview. There is also help with salary negotiation if necessary.
Overall, I am extremely happy with the Power4Vets program. My advice is you get what you give. What you put into the Power4Vets program is what you are going to get out of it.
Thank you Power4Vets and David Miranda for a great experience and helping me obtain a great career after separating the Navy!
– Levi Willow – (U.S. Navy)
read more on the Levi Willow Story
Training with Power4Vets prepared me to transition out of my old career into a new field. I could not be happier with my transition and how prepared I was. Working with the Power4vets team with job searching was equally valuable and helped relieve a lot of stress during an uncertain time in my life. I would recommend Power4vets to any transitioning service member or veteran looking to get into the electric industry.
– Kristopher Folz – (U.S. Navy)
I completely attribute my smooth transition from the Navy into civilian power distribution to this program. Right from the beginning it offered so many benefits aside from the easy to follow curriculum toward obtaining my NERC. The preparatory program itself offered all the necessary information to pass my exam on the first attempt as well as simulations to really apply the knowledge in a more visual way. Upon enrollment I was incredibly impressed with the quality of study materials, but it was taken to another level of veteran support with the job search guidance. Thanks to the tireless efforts of David Miranda assisting in updating my resume, giving me advice on the proper approach to networking, and providing me with multiple resources, including practice interview questions and salary negotiation guidance, I was hired for my dream job and the first position I applied for. I highly recommend Power4Vets to any transitioning military or veterans who are interested in the industry!
– Caylee Sprague – (U.S Navy)
I can’t speak highly enough about the Power4Vets program. It really is the whole package. The training modules and simulations start with the basics, but by the end I felt confident even in the more complex scenarios. I had no issues passing my NERC exam, despite never physically sitting behind a civilian control panel. In my opinion, the Power4Vets career placement service was one of the most valuable aspects of the program. David Miranda walked me through every step of the job search and hiring process, from resume prep all the way to last minute interview practice. Not to mention his behind the scenes work got my resume to the top of the list with almost every employer. I was able to land my dream job after only one in-person interview. I would recommend this program to any transitioning veteran in a technical field. It’s an investment that pays for itself, and then some.
– Jesse Hawthorne (U.S. Navy)
read more on the Jesse Hawthorne Story
The training program provided by power4vets was easily navigated, comprehensive, understandable and robust. It gave me the tools necessary to succeed on the NERC Certification exam. The assistance with job placement is reason enough to apply to Power4Vets, you’re unlikely to find a better group of people dedicated to ensuring you excel.
– Kevin Castillo (U.S. Navy)
There are no words to describe the level of support and education I received during my time enrolled through the Power4Vets program. From learning through the courses, preparing for the actual exam and even searching for a job, the staff have been nothing but incredible, sincerely thanks!
– Robert Hughes (U.S. Navy)
After making the decision to leave the water and wastewater utility field in 2018, I sought out training opportunities in NERC certification. I was fortunate to find and be accepted into the Power4Vets program. The training curriculum is unrivaled, and the support that I received and continue to receive from David Miranda has been incredibly important as I continue to study and grow in my current position as a Low Voltage Distribution (LVD) Dispatcher in my new hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan. If you are looking for a great way to achieve your goal of NERC certification, look no further than the Power4Vets program!
– Joe Clark (U.S. Navy)
Throughout my Navy career I would hear how marketable the skills and education you obtain while serving are. While I agree with that statement, I was still really unsure about how they correlate and the direction I wanted to take in my next career. The Power4Vets program helped provide and solidify that direction. The lectures and simulations gave me key training for the industry and helped land me a great job.
– Matthew Mullins (U.S. Navy)
The whole program was awesome. They give you all the tools you need to pass the NERC RC exam as well as give you timelines you need to meet to obtain a job in your preferred time period. David Miranda is a great support system in himself for transitioning military members. He has a wealth of knowledge in the subject and really puts your mind at ease during your transition.
– Edward Escobar (U.S.Navy)
The program is well formatted and developed so that anyone can study and learn the information. It’s self paced so that you can go as fast as you want without the pressure of having a deadline. Additionally, the simulator portions are really good at helping to reinforce the material that you learn from section to section.
Thanks to the Power4Vets program, I was able to successfully get my dream job in my dream location!
– Cassidy Robinson (U.S. Navy)
It has been a grueling
and long journey from when I left the Navy to where I am now. When I decided I wanted a career as a System Operator I had no idea how I would get there. Then I came across the Power4Vets program. Now, I would like to say I breezed right through it and got a job right away but truthfully, I did not. I staggered and I faltered many times, not because of the program, but for personal reasons and the Power4Vets team was very flexible and patient with me during these trying times in order for me to meet my goal of becoming a System Operator. Fortunately, I had David Miranda to guide me back on track every single time and I know that I found employment with Entergy in Woodlands, Texas thanks in large part to all the hard work David put in and I received a starting salary higher than I have seen with any other job opportunity that I have applied for to date. I am truly grateful for the entire teams’ effort, and I wanted to let folks know that the Power4Vets program is truly effective and respected in the industry and I would highly recommend it to anyone considering a career in the field.
– Rashad Morris (U.S. Navy)
I would highly recommend Power4Vets to anyone that would like to work in the utility industry. The courses and practice exams will have you ready for the NERC exam. I
believe the job placement assistance was beyond helpful. The Power4Vets faculty, especially David Miranda, will have you ready to transition from the military to a civilian career by reviewing your resume, prep interviews, and getting you in touch with former Power4Vets members for advice. If you have a specific region or state in the country you would like to work, the program will find every possible opportunity available to accommodate you.
– Jeffrey Dolan (U.S. Navy)
“The Power4Vets program has given me essential electrical theory and system operations knowledge making me a marketable candidate during my job hunt. I would like to thank my shipmate Michael Rapparlie for convincing me this was the field for me, and I also want to thank the IncSys and Power4Vets team for helping this new career path to become a reality for me.”
– Stephen Flebotte (U.S. Navy)
I can personally testify that the training offered through Power4Vets was critical in successfully preparing me for the technical interview which was the first step in attaining my dream job. I can also testify that I would have not even known about this job if the staff hadn’t been searching and keeping me continuously apprised of this and many other opportunities.
– Dallas Lott (U.S. Navy)
read more on the Dallas Lott Story
Thanks to the Power4vets program for enabling me to find employment back home after my transition from the Navy. I went from being vaguely familiar with the civilian power industry to becoming NERC certified in three months thanks to this program. I wish all the future members of the program well, and if anyone needs any assistance from me, please feel free to reach out. I highly recommend this program to anyone seeking a career in the utility industry as a System Operator.
– Timothy Chambers (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program was pivotal for me in easing the stress that comes with getting that first job after you leave the military. The help of David Miranda and the entire Power4Vets team sets this program above and beyond anything else you can find. I highly encourage anyone who is interested in the program and getting their Reliability Coordinator Certification to reach out to David Miranda and see for yourself what Power4Vets has to offer. Power4Vets helped me achieve so much in so little time and helped me obtain my dream job in my dream location.
– James Follett (U.S. Navy)
I was very impressed with the Power4Vets program. The knowledge and training I received through the simulator and lectures were invaluable in my transition to the civilian electrical industry as a System Operator.
David Miranda was a great resource for me throughout the entire process of getting my NERC RC Certification and getting hired as a System Operator. I am very grateful for the help and support I received through the Power4Vets program. I highly recommend the program to any veterans transitioning into the Electrical Industry.
– Bradley Arnoldus (U.S. Navy)
Power4Vets is an incredibly energizing program that opened my eyes to the in’s and out’s of the electric utility industry as a system operator. The training plan is amazing, providing a comprehensive baseline of the equipment and physics that govern the generation and transmission of a commodity that most people take for granted – electricity! This program is much like climbing a staircase and reaching the top is definitely achievable through completion of the self-paced training modules. You can watch the videos, review the lessons, and perform the exercises as many times as you need in order to feel that you’re ready to move on to the next step. You can even go back at any time to freshen up on anything that you might not have fully understood the first time around. This is very doable: I just turned off the television and set aside distractions for a few hours each day to reach the goals and timetables that I set in order to finish the training.
In addition to the training program, IncSys offers a variety of other greatly beneficial resources. Such things as guidance in tailoring your LinkedIn profile, job search and placement services, and career progression counseling are incredibly helpful to leveraging a meaningful career in the electric utility industry.
This program sets you up for success to earn the NERC system operator certification and puts the power of career choice back in your hands!
– Matthew Edwards (U.S. Army)
read more on the Matthew Edwards Story
“The Power4Vets program is an excellent way to gain a highly coveted certification, especially for those with any interest in the energy market. Not only that, you have the support of David every step of the way.”
– Jessica Co (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program helped me expand on the knowledge I had acquired in the Navy regarding electrical systems, and prepared me to pass the NERC Reliability Coordinator Certification as well as gave me an understanding of how to operate larger electric interconnections. The simulator time was invaluable, and I would recommend anyone taking the course to spend as much time as they can with the different simulations. David Miranda was also a great help during the job application process. He would send me job postings, gave me tools I could use to prepare for interviews, did a mock interview with me, and was always available if I had any questions. All of this ultimately landed me a job as a System Operator at ERCOT.
Thank you David and the Power4Vets team.
– Kristopher Hancock (U.S. Navy)
One of the first things David Miranda shared with me was a video titled “ERCOT’s Control Room.” My first introduction to the NERC world was this video, and from that moment I knew I wanted to work in the field. Throughout my training and studying I had that exact control room in mind. As I recovered from island conditions in the simulator, I had ERCOT in mind. As I was taking the NERC exam, I had ERCOT in mind. Little did I know that several months later I would be there in person, interviewing for that very job.
After my first conversation with David, I knew that Power4Vets was different. It was more than just a study tool which hopefully crams enough information down your throat in order to barely pass an exam. It’s a training course with incredible simulation, carefully selected readings and quizzes, and video lectures designed by professionals who have decades of experience in the field. It was this training that allowed me to completely crush not only the exam, but my resume and interviews as well. I used examples from the simulator with the hiring managers, and got offered almost every job I applied for.
I feel like I just landed my dream job and I couldn’t be more excited about the future or more appreciative for the Power4Vets program. I recommend it to everyone—everyone. It’s worth every penny and more. The job finding service isn’t a head-hunting program. It’s a personal service which helps you open many doors, and then gives you the tools to get through the right one. Many employers know about Power4Vets, and the word is still spreading that these graduates are the best choice when selecting new operators to join your team. I’m proud to be one of them.
– Jonathan Grotefendt (U.S. Navy)
The training I received through Power4Vets provided me with valuable tools to transition from the military to the civilian workforce. The curriculum helped me familiarize myself with the terminology and systems used in civilian power grids, allowing me to further the knowledge I gained in the military.
It made it possible for me to successfully obtain my NERC certification. The knowledge I gained from the program allowed me to shine during the interviewing process and ultimately land a promising career with Idaho Pow
– Chase Brown (U.S. Navy)
I really don’t know how to begin expressing how much this program changed my life. When I first stumbled upon the Power4Vets program, it almost seemed to good to be true and I almost dismissed it immediately. But I took the time to speak with David as well as reaching out to a few other veterans who had gone t
hrough the program and they all had great things to say about it. I decided to take the chance and go through with it and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made with my career. I came in with only a basic understanding of simple electrical theory, and was able to learn everything I needed to pass the NERC exam with ease. And even though I had no prior experience in the electrical world, the NERC RC Certification was enough to open the door to my new career as a System Operator. I love my new career, and it seriously would not have been possible without the Power4Vets program.
– Christopher Kelley (U.S. Army)
With my naval career coming to an end, I knew it was time to search for opportunities in a new career field. It was also an ambition of mine to work in the power generation field because it is not on
ly lucrative, but challenging and rewarding as well. With this goal in mind I sought out a program that I felt would best prepare me for a position working with the North American Electrical Grid. Power4Vets was the perfect program to fill this need. They provided me with theoretical and practical training that was essential to my success on the NERC Reliability Coordinator examination. When the time came to find a position that suited my needs, they were more than helpful with the search and worked with me to identify positions that suited what I was looking for. They were also a resource in preparing me for the interview process by providing coaching and constructive feedback. All along the way the Power4Vets team was always available to provide advice, mentorship and guidance whenever asked. H. Jackson Brown Jr. said, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”. I truly feel I would not be in the position I am today if it wasn’t for the Power4Vets program driving to get the best out of me and I would recommend it to anyone that desires a career working with the Electrical Grid.
– Kyle Hollis (U.S. Navy)
Completing the Power4Vets program has been an incredible experience. The knowledg
e and experience I’ve gained through the lectures, simulators, and studying tools available were invaluable for me with my pursuit of a career in the Electrical Industry. I felt confident that I had a thorough understanding of the electrical theory, energy control applications, and the regulation of the Bulk Electrical System prior to sitting for the NERC Reliability Coordinator (RC) Exam. Obtaining my NERC RC Certification married my Army Electrical background with my search for civilian employment. I became highly competitive with my civilian counterparts, and I received several interviews merely by holding this certification. I was surprised to see some utility operators had less SCADA experience than what I received through the Power4Vets program.
I cannot speak highly enough of the staff and resources offered through Power4Vets. The simulators used allowed me to manipulate a distribution system to see the cause and effect of switching devices without causing any real adverse effects to people or electrical equipment. I gained a great familiarity with the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The staff were not only helpful in fine tweaking the way I grasped concepts to ensure a solid foundation, but they were also extremely accommodating in fitting the program around my busy schedule which included balancing 60+ hour work weeks for the Army, attending college online full time, and the typical demands of family life. Thank you Power4Vets for helping me make smooth transition into the electrical industry.
– Benjamin Talbert (U.S. Army)
I’m currently in the home stretch and so far I have learned a lot. The best part is to run the simulator and see how the system reacts to the user inputs, so I can have a feel of the real deal. It is definitely an excellent bridge in between the distribution experience in the Navy to the major electrical transmission and distribution systems and equipment across North Amer
I believe it is an excellent transition from the military to civilian life and employers know the quality of individuals are produced when veterans complete the program. I am very excited to be part of the Power Industry thanks to the P4V team, especially David Miranda.
– Anthony Lamberty (U.S. Navy)
I learned of Power4Vets through a former Nuke Electricians Mate while serving aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.
I was a little skeptical of the program cost and ability to follow through on their promises of helping me to land a job. I emailed David to apply and received an email back only a couple h
ours later answering my questions and processing my application. This would become the standard throughout my Power4Vets experience. David Miranda is an extremely valuable force to have on your side. He helped me with writing a resume, interview techniques and salary negotiations. David and I routinely made a game plan to apply for open jobs through his industry contacts. He would answer my phone calls or texts even on late Friday afternoons because he really does care about your success. Extremely impressed to have made contact with such a great career coach and program manager like David!
The courses really get you up to speed quickly in using industry terminology and techniques. These classes helped me translate my skills as a Navy Load Dispatcher to a Reliability Coordinator in a very effective manner.
Utility companies are looking to hire Veterans with skills just like yours; the only thing between you and a great career is your NERC Certification and Power4Vets can help you build a bridge over that gap.
I was able to choose from 4 job offers, some with 6-figure salaries, over 60 days before I transitioned from the Navy. I couldn’t have done it without David and the Power4Vets program. I highly recommend it.
– Cory Mock (U.S. Navy)
I am thrilled to of have had the opportunity to be enrolled into the Power4Vets program and to utilize the power simulator to help me build a solid foundation in th
e electrical industry to become a System Operator. My position at UPC is in distribution, and the SCADA system which we utilize at UPC is very similar to the simulator utilized in the Power4Vets training program. I walked into my new position with hands-on knowledge that has given me a head start in learning the system and it also has given me the fundamental building blocks to understand the power system and how transmission ties into the distribution side of the house. I am truly satisfied in my decision to pursue the Power4Vets program which has catapulted me into a whole new career in the power industry. I appreciate the help, guidance and mentorship offered by David Miranda and the team at IncSys. I would highly recommend this program to any veteran transitioning out the military – you would not be disappointed in that choice if you made it. The Power4Vets program placed me in the position to accept a fantastic job–my dream job–at Union Power Cooperative. Thank you for pointing me toward Touchstone Energy Cooperatives and assisting me to get this new career job.
All of the transition assistance provided by the IncSys team was very helpful in my every challenging transition out of the military and all of the help given was truly invaluable. I appreciate all the time we shared on the phone and the interaction we had during this job search and it is truly a great place to work. There is much more opportunity for me to grow in this industry, as well as with UPC. I am really excited for the future and I thank the entire IncSys team and the Power4Vets program or paving the way for my future, as well as the future for my entire family.
– Christopher Downing (U.S. Navy)
I, like many people most likely reading this, was concerned about what I was going to do upon getting out of the Navy. I knew I really enjoyed my job as a load dispatch
er, and heard a lot of things about people being very successful getting out and getting a job as a “civilian load dispatcher”. The same people told me about Power4Vets, but only one followed through with the program, and had transitioned out before I had a chance to talk to him in depth about it. Most just did what everyone else in the Navy, which was to go to a hiring conference and didn’t really use the nuclear training to their fullest advantage. I personally believe that there was a reason that I received the training that I did, and it was to get a job that reflected that training. I was hesitant at first, as it was a pretty big commitment and I hadn’t heard of anyone, personally, that had succeeded in getting a job in the civilian power distribution industry. My goal was to be a system operator, but I didn’t know how to go about it. I had backup plans, as most of you will most likely have as well, but none came close to the opportunities this offered me. Not only was the material set up in a very logical and easy to understand manner, but everything else they offered made everything incredibly easy and convenient. I started the program while still on deployment. It was rather difficult to find adequate time or bandwidth to do a lot of the online portions, but anything that was a PDF, I studied as much as possible and then finished the rest of the online training modules when we made it back to home port.
I couldn’t have been happier with their assistance in finding me a job. It made the transition out of the Navy incredibly smooth. They were a perfect sturdy bridge from the Navy to the civilian power side. I had a new job, and the only thing I had to worry about was getting my DD214 and cleaning out my apartment. It was an incredible relief. Obviously, a lot of the theory and operations was review, as I had been a load dispatcher/electrical operator for some time. But it’s not just for people that were Nuke EM’s. It starts with the basics, and works up and builds your understanding and gets you ready to do the job, with a side effect of being able to pass the test. I highly recommend this for anyone that is serious about being a system operator as a career when they transition out of the Navy. Feel free to message me on linked in. Good Luck, and I’ll see you on the outside.
– Michael Rapparlie (U.S. Navy)
Enrolling in the Power4Vets Program might easily be one of the “BEST” decisions I’ve ever made. This is the first online program I’ve ever participated in and I was hone
stly nervous about the endeavor. However, the lectures were comprehensive and interesting, the quizzes were relevant and challenging, and the Power Simulator really pulled the material together in a real applicable way. My recruiter was professional and his assistance was invaluable throughout the entire process, which included curriculum questions, resume’ preparation, job hunting, interview preparation, and a lot of encouragement. I’m about to start working my dream job for the most amazing company imaginable and none of this would have been possible without the training and assistance I received through this program and the people behind it. Finally, this Power4Vets is easily worth twice the tuition cost and I highly recommend it!
-Kathryn Cross (U.S. Air Force)
I entered the Power4Vets Program following a 9 month deployment, and with less than a year to prepare myself for transitioning into the civilian world. Prior to my enrollment, it was nerve racking thinking of how soon my separation was comi
ng up, and how I was going to prove my utility outside of the military to a new employer. Once I finally began the coursework, however, my confidence level increased day by day. The program reviewed and expounded on the training I received from the Navy, while simultaneously familiarizing me with the civilian SCADA system , its components, and the guidelines by which the system is operated. I am extremely pleased with the way the course modules were organized, and also the ease with which feedback could be generated to make things even better which helped me pass my NERC RC Certification. When it came to finding me a job, I was even more pleased. David Miranda did a phenomenal job finding positions in the areas I was looking for, and helping me prepare for the subsequent interviews, and giving me tips on how to follow up. After my experience, there isn’t a fellow veteran I wouldn’t suggest the program to. It has been a great asset to me and friends of mine, and it is a wonderful tool for ensuring that the quality training, received by our service members, doesn’t fall by the wayside as they move on to the next phase of their lives.”
-Adam Herston (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program is a great program that provides you with all the resources necessary to learn about operating the power grid system as well as prepare you for the NERC Reliability Coordinator exam. The training they provided was excellent. The lectures
and the PowerSimulator were great tools to help me understand how the electrical grid works and to prepare me for the NERC exam. The support staff is also very friendly and helpful. David Miranda is a great guy who would do everything he could to help me understand the material and help me land a good job. With the help of this program I was able to get a great job. I am very grateful to the Power4Vets program for their help and support during my transition.
-Matthew Braucher (U.S. Navy)
David has acted as my personal mentor throughout this process. I cannot say how much I
recommend IncSys and the Power4Vets Program. It is the reason I have landed my dream job. Thank you so much!
– Jeremy Smith (U.S. Navy)
I was looking desperately for a job and I came across the training website Power4Vets. I was able to speak with Mr. Miranda, and he got me starte
d. I saw a particular position and Mr. Miranda coached me through the hiring process and was available at a moment’s notice to help me. I had total confidence and complete trust that Power4Vets training would land me the position I wanted.
-Jose DeLaFuente (U.S. Navy)
Power4Vets prepared me to obtain my first job as a System Operator whe
n I had no experience in the electrical utility industry. The resume writing assistance helped me land an interview, and the interview coaching helped me land an offer. Power4Vets helped me transition from the oilfield to the power industry quickly after the oil bust”.
-Yinjie Luo (U.S. Army National Guard)
“What a long journey this has been for me. I clearly remember the day in February 2013 when I met David Miranda at a job fair in Virginia Beach. I am certainly glad that he was there to advocate this enabling opportunity. The well-structured, self-paced Power4Vets training program and his job placement assistance made it all possible, and gave me the necessary confidence to succeed. Even a corporate recruiter from my prospective employer remarked that completing the Power4Vets program was a “smart move” on my part.
Thank you for choosing to support veterans like me with t
heir transition. Several past graduates of the Power4Vets program now working in the utility industry were also a critical resource for my job search efforts and interview preparation. I networked with them via LinkedIn to better understand the different operator positions on a shift, operational relationships within the industry, and company cultures. Of note, I’ve already proudly returned the favor of being a helpful resource to other Power4Vet students.”
-Eric Hanson (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program has been such a blessing for me. This program enabled me to continue and expand upon the electrical distribution system training I received while in the military. The c
urriculum is challenging and thorough. What I learned here will allow me to more quickly become a competent system operator. The simulation software really aided me in retaining what I have studied. Whenever I had a question about the simulation software or career advice, the Power4Vets crew was always willing to help. I am thankful to Dr. Robin Podmore, Mr. Miranda and the rest of the staff for the opportunity to learn about the civilian bulk electric system.
-David Lattibeaudiere (U.S. Navy)
Word is getting out about the quality employees produced by the Power4Vets program. As more and more veterans complete the program and find success in civilian careers, employers are taking special note when Power4Vets is mentioned on a resume. They know that they
are getting a self-motivated quality employee. Thank you very much for all your help in completing my NERC Certification and transitioning into a career. I feel a debt of gratitude to Power4Vets for the great opportunity it has given me.
– Christopher Stevens (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program was instrumental in providing me with the training and simulator experience to prepare me for the next steps of interviews and additional company training. The foundation that P4V provided has enabled me to achieve a goal that will allow me to provide for my family with a job that I want. The Power4Vets training is self paced allowing you to learn at your own speed and review as often as you want. Spend time in the simulator getting a feel for how one lines look and how a power system really works.
– Eric Bramel (U.S. Air Force)
Power4Vets was extremely instrumental in getting me into my dream job after the Navy. A lot of Navy Nukes would like to get into system operations, but are steered away by the prospect of NERC Certification. Power4Vets has bridged that gap by providing the materials and hands-on instruction necessary to become certified. I can’t recommend the program highly enough to any veteran interested in getting into the industry. Thank you David Miranda, and the Power4Vets team, for everything that you do!
– Michael Yunik (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program is great. The lectures are very well done and the PowerSimulator will give a real world style of grid control and will help build a true understanding of how the electrical grid works. The NERC prep portion is excellent and has definitely prepared me for the exam. Also, David Miranda is a great resource for upcoming job openings and helped me create to great resumes and proper interview techniques. I highly recommend this program.
– Christian Chantel (U.S. Navy)
I am forever grateful to the good folks of IncSys, including: Dr. Robin Podmore who had the vision for the program we all know as Power4Vets and David Miranda the manager of the program and placement… The Power4Vets team gave me the tools to aid in my understanding of the NERC standards such as the ACE equation, emergency operations, voltage control and restoration… I passed all my certifications on my first attempt, and I also passed the PJM Fundamentals of Transmission Operations. The Power4Vets program has changed my life and I am grateful!
– Bennie Rice (U.S. Navy)
Not only did the skills learned during the Power4Vets program aid in interview process by allowing me to relate my military training to the civilian world, but it also expedited the process for becoming a NERC certified Reliability Coordinator which is the highest NERC certification to achieve. To put the icing on the cake for my new career, I gave Incremental Systems my priority companies and locations for places to live and work. Through my hard work and dedication to the program, coupled with Incremental System’s resources, I was able to land my dream job!
– Lonnie Bush (U.S. Navy)
Discovering the Power4Vets program was a great opportunity for me. I was looking for additional training to help make the transition from military to civilian industry a smooth process so I could find a great job. The staff was very supportive in helping me get started and providing guidance at each step. I was able to complete the training while on active duty and it prepared me well for the test. A year later, I received interviews from a co-ˇgeneration plant, a hydro generation company, a wind company and a reliability coordinator. I accepted the job as the Reliability Coordinator at New York Independent System Operator (NYISO). Holding a NERC RC certification was a key decision in the company offering me a job. It meant that they could move me along in the training process faster and it removed the uncertainty of whether I could learn the material.
– Steven Rice (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program is very well put together. Every step through the program you are not just learning the basics of how to operate, you are entering a whole new world of terms, acronyms, and parameters. You may not see it at first, but soon things will start to fall into place. Take advantage of the simulator, and if something doesn’t make sense, keep trying and take the time to find it in the EPRI Dynamics Tutorial to coalesce your understanding. The training that the program gives you is almost impossible to find without actually being hired and on the job. Hopefully I will be able to see more people from the military in the future.
– Isaac Atwood (U.S. Navy)
Power4Vets was a great way for me to get acquainted with the power industry. The program taught me about operating a larger system, civilian terms and NERC requirements. Every week they were calling me with different opportunities I could apply for. If you are interested in getting your NERC certification I would recommend the program.
– Cole Lancaster (U.S. Navy)
The Power4Vets program is a wonderful program that provides the tools to effectively study for the NERC Reliability Coordinator exam and learn the basics of operating an actual power grid system. The placement specialists are exceptionally good at what they do with assisting the students in developing opportunities for employment with a wide range of companies in the power field. The Power4Vets program was instrumental in my employment at American Electric Power and I couldn’t be happier with the results of utilizing the program. Thank you IncSys.
– Robert Grubbs (U.S. Navy)
A Navy Nuclear trained Second Class Petty Officer (E-5) with over 6 years of Navy experience in the areas of nuclear aircraft carrier electrical distribution and casualty control operations. “Power4Vets helped me build the knowledge I needed to get the exact job I was searching for, and I landed the job with the exact company I wanted to work for.
– Francis Esslin (U.S. Navy)